
Our Vision

Since 2006 our Journey started, with a great desire to travel around the world, but Travelling is not just a flight, accommodation and sightseeing, Travelling is a real and true Passion, as when you decide to visit a place, you want to discover that country, that culture, people there and to get the taste of the place you are traveling to, but at the same time to make sure that your trip will be as fancy and luxurious as you dream.

Our mission

Our Mission is to provide our guests with the most unique experience which will give you the real feel of the place but with the quality and the luxury standard without a compromise.

Our Goal

Our goal is to be the #1 leading Luxury Travel Company in the world, by providing our guests with the most luxurious travel experience.


Our 1st Country

We decided to start our Luxurious Journey in Egypt with our Luxurious Touch, so you can discover Egypt with new eyes, and to have unforgettable memories.


Luxury Properties

We Collected for you the top luxurious Hotels in Egypt with their great and elegant Services, so you can enjoy the greatness of Egypt in a Unique Luxury Style.


destinations planned to reach

In our plan to reach more than 100 destination to offer you a wide variety of luxury tastes, in different cultures, to assure you always new luxury adventures.



More than 4K happy and satisfied clients during our career path, which we assure that our high standard services will always go for the better.

"Our philosophy built on our passion to Travel, but not just any kind of Travel, we do it with luxury Style and at the same time we offer the the VIP and Private taste of each place you visit, and this is our promise to you"

Ibrahim Abdelmalak
